This was great, and I appreciate you sharing your chart! I find it really interesting that cleaning and other "duties" were part of your dynamic with your mother in childhood, and that your rising sign is Virgo—something I read about rising signs that really resonated with me is that they represent the role you're assigned by your family as a child (which is why it's tied to personality—it's who we learn to be in relation to others, and we learn to do that within the family setting first). Big caretaker/service/codependency vibes for that rising sign... (I'm a Virgo sun, but a Gemini rising, so we both have mutable signs on our angles). Another Virgo-y thing this reminds me of is some of the mythology related to Virgo—particularly what I've read in the book Sextrology... I can't pull up the direct quote, but there was a lot in there about Virgo's mother having poor boundaries, treating them like an adult, or a friend, or an extension of herself, maybe even as the favored child, but never really as something separate from who the mother needs the Virgo child to be. And that because of this, the Virgo child ends up feeling responsible for the mother, who's having her own sort of extended childhood at the expense of Virgo's. I can imagine your sun-moon conj. in Cancer only exacerbates that dynamic. The myth of Demeter and Persephone is a good example of this dynamic playing out... People often refer to Demeter as a Virgo goddess because of her ties to harvest, but I think Persephone has equal claim and they're just two different vibrations of the same principle — in this context, Demeter doesn't see herself as separate from Persephone and bends nature to make us all suffer for the loss of her daughter (her own youth); Persephone, meanwhile, commits to her journey and learns to accept the seasons of life, that each thing has its time and place, including herself, which I think one of the highest expressions of the Virgo sign!